Thursday, March 9, 2017

You Can Still Register for Trivia Night at #WEMTA17

Did you want to come to Trivia Night and you've already completed your conference registration? It's easy to add on this fun event. Here's how it worked for me:

Log into

Click on the My Events tab in the top right.
Find 2017 Spring Conference Registration and click Edit
Add Trivia Night to your registration
Scroll down and select Submit Changes

Then if you go back to My Events, you'll find a payment link next to the 2017 Spring Conference Registration. You can select a different payment method for Trivia Night if that is something you need.

Thank you to Follett School Solutions for sponsoring America's Pub Quiz Trivia for hosting this event and to EBSCO for helping with refreshments. All proceeds from this event will benefit WEMTA's Permanent Endowment Trust, which funds grants and scholarships to WEMTA members to further our professions.

1 comment:

  1. I once represented a school athlete. But on the day of the competition, I'm making everyone disappointed with me.

